Now let’s go to Exodus to the Passover (starting at Exodus
The tenth plague was that the angel of death would pass over
killing every firstborn. To be spared from the plague the Israelites were told
to take an unblemished lamb, slaughter it at twilight, take some of the blood
and put it on the sides and tops of the door frame where they were to eat the
lamb, that same night they were to eat the meat with no leftovers. In Exodus 12:14 it says “and this day shall
be unto you for a memorial; and ye shall keep it a feast to the Lord throughout
your generations; ye shall keep it a feast by an ordinance for ever.” The
Church teaches that when Jesus established the New Covenant with His death and
resurrection, He didn’t abandon the promises made to the Hebrew people but
fulfilled them.
Now let’s look at how Jesus fulfilled the Passover. Jesus is
the Lamb of God.
On Palm Sunday as Jesus is arriving in Jerusalem , so are the Passover lambs. This is
showing that Jesus is taking the place of the Passover lamb. Also every year on
Passover the unblemished lambs were inspected before being given to the
families. Now, you are probably thinking what does this have to do with Jesus?
A lot actually. Jesus is the lamb, and just as the unblemished lambs where
inspected, so was Jesus, by Pilate, the chief priests, the teachers of the law,
and the elders. Also, during the Passover meal Jesus celebrated the Last Supper.
During the Passover meal, Jesus takes the unleavened bread, blesses it, breaks
it, and gives it to the disciples saying, “This is My body,” showing that He is
replacing the Passover lamb. And with the wine, blesses it, and gives it to the
disciples saying, “This is the blood of the covenant which is poured out for
many.” Now, the Passover lamb was to prevent pain and suffering of loss of a
loved one for the Israelites. Jesus as the Lamb is to save the world from pain
and suffering, to open the gates of heaven.
To Summarize: The Israelites had to eat the Passover lamb.
It was not enough to that they simply sacrificed the lamb-- they were
instructed to also eat it. When we have the Eucharist we also eat the lamb,
Jesus the Lamb of God. So that is why recieving the Eucharist is not cannibalism-- we are not eating human flesh, Jesus, but the Lamb
of God, Jesus. J