Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Memorial Day!

I want to say a special thank you to our armed forces today. My dad is retired navy so I know that it can be hard on everyone. I remember when I was little I was so proud of my dad. I didn't really understand why he was in the navy or what he was doing, I just knew that he had to give up a lot for a greater cause.

My brother is in NJROTC at our high school. He was all dressed up in his uniform for the awards ceremony and we went to apple bee's afterward. while we were sitting there, waiting to order, a man came up to us and asked my brother if he could shake his hand then he thanked my brother and bought him ice cream. Now, my brother isn't in the military, He plans to after college, but the point is that the man at apple bees wanted to show appreciation for the men and women that serve our country. That man inspired us to make a pledge that when we see a veteran or someone who is active service, we are going to by them ice cream or some kind of dessert. I hope this will inspire you too.

Lord, Hold these loved ones in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. Give them courage, hope and strength. May they ever experience your firm support, gentle love and compassionate healing. We ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen.  

Remember those who gave their all

Friday, May 25, 2012

Steubenville Promo 2011

This is the promo video for the Steubenville Youth Conference that changed my life. Every time I here this song I think about God. It was at a steubenville youth conference that I found my love for the one and only God. It was such an Amazing expierence! I had never seen anyone, especially teenagers, excited about faith. The sad thing was, I came from a Catholic school and you were considered a "nerd" if you went to mass every sunday. (I only went every sunday because my mom dragged me there every weekend) Truth is, I blamed God for everything bad that had ever happened to me. I had a bad relationship with my dad-God's fault. I was bullied for seven years-God's fault. My grandma had cancer three times, the third time it took her away from me-God's fault. I was depressed-God's fault. The list went on and on. I couldn't see how an all powerful God could leave us so helpless and miserable.

That night, during adoration, I felt His presence; He told me that He loves me. That night I beagan to understand John 3:16. "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son so that we might have life in Him." Before, I didn't really believe that some guy named Jesus really died for me, I didn't believe in the miracles, I didn't believe that he could preform miracles. I just thought it was some story that some crazy person wrote. I was so wrong! Jesus really did die for you and me! He really does Love You! It took me a long time to realize that I can't live with out Him. "For without God, you can do nothing"

I wish I could explain better, but, that was my Aha moment. It takes a long time for some people, others might never find that aha moment in their lives. My goal in life is to hel;p people find God and share His love. Please help me do that my sharing my blog.

Your Sister in Christ
I wasn't actually a Crazy Catholic until this past summer. I went on a mission trip with my youth group to north carolina, during program one night we were talking about labeling ourselves. I used to tell myself that I was ugly, that I would never be good enough and that night I broke down in tears and decided that I am exactly the way God wants me to be. Later that summer I went to a Stuebenville Youth conference. At first I didn't want to be there. I wasn't a very good catholic, I didn't believe in most of the things that the Catholic Church believes. But, that night during adoration, it really hit me. I could feel God telling me that can trust Him, that everything will be ok. I can't explain why I decided to change my life but I can tell you that from that night on I decided that I want to live every moment for Him! :)
That is why I started this blog. I hope to inspire people to live life for Him! I want to share with the world that I am not afraid to say that I am a Jesus Freak!